On Sunday, April 6th, Ecstatic Dance launches its long awaited KIDS ECSTATIC DANCE at Hampton Park from 11am - 1pm. Designed for kids aged 6+ and for parents to have a well-deserved morning out. Ecstatic Dance Silent Disco features a live, kid-friendly DJ, mindful movement, and heart-centered community!
Your gift supports our ability to gift the dance to families that deserve it, ensuring equity and access to all Ecstatic Dance Kid events.
No one turned away for lack of funds. If you are in need of non-monetary exchange, please email yourfriends@ecstaticdancecharleston.com
This event is co-hosted by Alexandra Seaman and Jasmine Jones in collaboration with Ecstatic Dance Charleston. We will have chaperones onsite! Parents welcome to stay or drop. Disability friendly, caregivers welcome!
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